Your One-Click Ecommerce Solution!

Effortlessly launch your online store, co-own with friends, access valuable business insights, and ensure store integrity through blockchain technology, powered by NEAR.


Exclusive features that make us the perfect solution for you.

Analytics and Insight

Our comprehensive analytics empower data-driven decisions, enhancing your business strategy. By revealing trends and customer behaviors, these insights guide improvements in sales, inventory, and market response, ensuring strategic excellence."


Social Media Integration

Effortlessly launch and manage your store, receive real-time WhatsApp order notifications, and effortlessly share updates on your WhatsApp Status. Embrace the future of e-commerce with StoreHub and simplify your path to growth.


Store Co-Ownership

Experience effortless collaboration with friends or valued business partners through our co-ownership feature. As you embark on this cooperative journey, you'll find yourselves in a harmonious blend of efforts, sharing accomplishments and basking in the rewards of collective achievements.


The OS for an open web

We utilize the NEAR blockchain, known for its user-friendly, carbon-neutral, secure, and infinitely scalable characteristics. NEAR provides a foundation for an ecommerce solution that is both performant and secure, ensuring that your business operations are seamless and reliable.